Tough Mudder ist ein 16-18 Kilometer langer Hindernislauf, der nicht nur Ausdauer und körperliche sowie mentale Stärke testet, sondern auch ganz besonders Teamfähigkeit. Bei
Tough Mudder gibt es keinen Gewinner, kein Siegertreppchen und keine Zeitmessung. Es geht nicht darum, wie schnell Du den Kurs bewältigen ...
Tough Mudder is a team-oriented 18-20 km obstacle course designed to test physical strength and mental grit.
Tough Mudder puts camaraderie over finisher rankings and is not a timed race but a team challenge that allows participants to experience exhilarating, world-class obstacles they won't find anywhere else.
7 Bartists finished the
Tough Mudder in NRW after 11 miles of mud and dirt, 2500 feet of altitude change and 21 obstacles.
Tough Mudder is a team-oriented 18-20 km obstacle course designed to test physical strength and mental grit.
Tough Mudder puts camaraderie over finisher rankings and is not a timed race but a team challenge that allows participants to experience exhilarating, world-class obstacles they won't find anywhere else.
Tough Mudder is a team-oriented 18-20 km obstacle course designed to test physical strength and mental grit.
Tough Mudder puts camaraderie over finisher rankings and is not a timed race but a team challenge that allows participants to experience exhilarating, world-class obstacles they won't find anywhere else.